
Used Cogeneration Equipment, Surplus Gas Turbines and Heat Recovery for Combined Cycle Operations.

Combined heat and power plants are one of the most efficient uses of carbon based fuels.  Contact us regarding power generation equipment you wish to market and sell.

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Used Cogeneration Equipment

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120" Black Clawson Rewinder, 72" Diameter

120” Web Black Clawson Rewinder; 72” Shaftless Rewind, Lowering Table; Speed: 3000 FPM; Shear Slitting; Rewind Diameter: 72”; Black Clawson Shaftless Floor Pick-Up Unwind, 72” Diameter, Year 1989.

6745 kw Siemens SST-110 Steam Turbine Generator, Year 2018

6745 kw Siemens SST-110 Steam Turbine Generator, Year 2018. Single Stage Back Pressure Turbine Design. Inlet Steam: 90,000 #/hr Steam at 850 PSI and 650 F. Exhaust Steam: 90,000 #/hr at 46 PSI and 375 F. Exhaust Steam Pressure is variable depending on process conditions. Includes: 8750 KVA AC Synchronous Generator Manufactured by TD Power Systems, Type TC150. Capacity: 7.0 MW / 13.8kV / 60 Hertz. Year 2018. System used less than one year due to complete plant closure. All controls and MCC panels are available. Desuperheater is available to control exhaust steam temperature. SPARE TURBINE ROTOR ASSEMBLY INCLUDED.

4.6 MW Solar Turbines, Model Centaur 50-6201; Two (2) Available

Two (2) 4.6 MW Solar Turbines, Model Centaur 50-6201. Designed for Dual Fuel operation, (#2 Oil / Gas); Unused (New) Surplus; SoLoNOx Combustion System, 25/96 ppm NOx, Dual Fuel; Engine Model 6201SA. Generators are by Kato, 4160 V, 60 Hz, 1800 RPM. Direct Drive AC Start System.

655 kW (878 HP) Turbosteam Steam Turbine

655 kW Steam Turbine with Generator. System includes, Dresser-Rand Coppus RLHA 24 Turbine, Marathon Synchronous Generator, and Lufkin Speed Reducing Gearbox. Year 2013. Turbine Generator Skid: A common steel base is provided for the turbine, speed reducing gear and generator. The turbine and gear are coupled with a Lovejoy flexible stainless steel disc spacer type coupling, dynamically balanced to a maximum 2.5 mm/sec of vibration and meeting ISO G2.5. The generator and gear are coupled with a Lovejoy gear-type coupling with a 1.5 service factor. Coupling guards are installed over both couplings. Skid piping includes all piping necessary to collect condensate drains, steam leak offs and instrument air to single field connection point. Manual globe valves are installed in condensate drain lines for startup condensate removal. Skid wiring includes all conductors and conduit necessary to consolidate terminations for all skid instrumentation and control devices in a common terminal box.

Donaldson - Turbine Air Inlet Filter

Donaldson Air Inlet Filter designed for operation with the Taurus 70 Solar Gas Turbine. Built for Solar Turbines. Includes Chiller for Inlet Air to keep temperature at 59F. Year NOV 2011. Weight 5783 Lbs. Dry / 7983 Wet.

1015 Ton Absorption Chillers, Qty (2), Series 5G

Two (2) Thermax, Series 5G, single effect hot water driven vapor absorption chillers engineered to each produce 1015 tons of chilled water at 42 °F of using 17,374 MBH of recovered heat from a waste heat hot water boiler. Thermax Absorption Chillers, New 2012. The chillers will be capable of operating in-series as well as in parallel mode.

Rentech Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

WHRU – Rentech Hot Water Boiler rated for 690,000 lbs. water an hour (1,377 GPM). A combustion exhaust stream is used to heat approximately 690,000 pounds of water per hour from 170 °F to 225 °F at an ambient condition of 55 °F. Designed for use with a Solar Turbines, Taurus 70 Gas Turbine Generator.

932 HP Elliott Steam Turbine Generator

932 HP Elliott Steam Turbine with 655kw WEB Induction Generator. Year 2014. Turbine and Generator are mounted on a steel base frame. Turbine is powered by a Biomass Steam Plant. Steam conditions: 50,000 lb/hr. at 400 PSI / 448F Temperature. Inlet: 400 PSI; Exhaust: 150 PSI; Turbine speed: 3628 RPM.